About Us

Why Choose Us?

To Reflect. To Rest. To Replenish. To Recharge.

& pause is specialized in Mental Health and creating wellness in the community and at the workplace. Using proprietary techniques, we know how to build awareness and develop a difference.

In the emerging age of technology where we are becoming overstimulated yet less connected with the people around us, we are noticing a vast increase in mental health problems.

& Pause was born from the desire to reach those in need before a mental health emergency response is required. Our focus on physical health has been improving over the years, however the focus on mental health is just as important and that is the lesson I want to share.

Erin Chamberlain, M.ed, PCP, BHSc - Founder

Erin holds a Master in Education and a Bachelors in Health Science. She is also a registered Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) facilitator.

As a licensed paramedic, she has been teaching Occupational First Aid and Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) courses for 27 years. Erin participated in other roles, such as ‘Research Assistant - Substance abuse amongst inmates’ at the Vancouver Police Department.

When she discovered the Mental Health First Aid Course, Erin knew that this was what she was meant to be teaching. After 27 years in the medical field, she realized there is a huge lack of support for mental health. With pressure from all sides, life is hard and educating the public on mental health support and crisis intervention promotes wellness and improves lives. Best part: Anyone Can Be Trained To Help.

This inspired her to combine all her knowledge in education and health care to start & pause